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Echolily: why this name?

Echolily is a tribute to my history, my values and the richness of human diversity. This term, chosen with precision and emotion, symbolises a turning point in my career: the time when I focus on amplifying the voice of people and organisations seeking to make the world a better place.

Echo, to amplify your voice

First, a little history: Echo is a nymph from Greek mythology, cursed by Hera, the wife of Zeus, for her talkativeness. Because of this curse, Echo can only speak by repeating the last words spoken by others...

Echo is also an acoustic phenomenon in which an initial sound is repeated. Did you know that in order to retain a message, you need to hear it at least 7 times? 

Within each echo lies a unique story, ready to be heard and celebrated. That's where I play my part!

Lily, for my roots and the purity of my commitment

It's a reference to the lily flower, which is the historic symbol of sovereigns. The lily flower is also an emblem of purity, reflecting my commitment to noble social causes and altruistic values.

It's also the beautiful name of my grandmother, Lily Bishop, to whom I physically resemble, but whom I didn't know very well. And for good reason: she lived in Birmingham, England, while I lived in Belgium... When I was 8, I went to see my family on my own. I learned English fairly quickly, but I wasn't comfortable enough to communicate with her, with that part of me. Ten years later, I went to uni (ULB) to study English, and 5 years after that, I got my degree in multilingual communication. There was no question of letting the language barrier stop me anymore!

Echolily is a celebration of diversity

The term Echolily is a nod to 'echolalia', a phenomenon of repetition of sounds, words and phrases, internalised or externalised, often associated with neurodiversity, in particular attention deficit disorder or ADHD, and autism spectrum disorder or ASD.

Echolily celebrates the diversity of voices and perspectives. It's a powerful reminder of the importance of active listening and valuing all forms of communication.


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