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echolily etoile blanche

Coywriting for associations

Do you need clear and impactful texts to increase your societal impact? I respond with great pleasure to any request for copywriting, storytelling and editing, proofreading or translation of all your written communication materials.

echolily pink star

Did you know? The right text has the power to convince, influence or motivate your audiences to join your cause.

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Use my copywriting skills for impactful texts

Do you have anything to write down? Here is the (not so) secret recipe:


  • Take a salad bowl and add your goals to it. 

  • Incorporate your values and vision. 

  • Mix in your keywords and a well-crafted structure. 

  • Don’t forget a pinch of your own style.

  • That's it!


Do you see what I just did? I choose each word carefully to capture the audience's attention and convey my message in a clear and powerful way.

My pen at the service of your storytelling

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Ah, the power of a good story... Did you know that storytelling is a formidable communication technique that has existed since the dawn of time? And for good reason: it facilitates the retention of information and persuasion, while provoking emotions and support. 

I believe that a good story can change the world, and that you don't always need to invent one from scratch. I therefore take the time to speak with you and your audience to produce personalised texts that meet both your objectives and the expectations of your target audience. 

What are your challenges, your values?
What are the obstacles, the victories?
What is your vision?
All of this can be told through powerful stories. 

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Entrust me with any writing task

Do you suffer from the writer's block? Do you want to produce coherent and impactful written material that meets your objectives and reflects your vision? Do you want external proofreading? Know that you are in the right place. 


I didn't want to brag, but hey, the objective of this text is still for you to use my services. And I’ve often been told that I’m pretty good at writing and proofreading! It seems that I do well with layout too. Any doubts? Contact me to judge for yourself!

echolily green flower
Creation and implementation of communication strategies
Non-profit marketing and fundraising 
Audiovisual projects
Email content and newsletters
Creation and implementation of communication strategies
Non-profit marketing and fundraising 
Audiovisual projects
Email content and newsletters
Social media (content & strategy)
Email content and newsletters
Writing, copywriting, storytelling 
Communication project management
Social media (content & strategy)
Email content and newsletters
Writing, copywriting, storytelling 
Communication project management
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